Would you rather be right then free?

September 18, 2023

In this reality we are taught that its so important to be right that we would rather be right than free. What I mean by that is that we will defend what we believe to be right to the point where it can become a limitation on our life and living. Sometimes it is way easier to let someone else be right and have their point of view and carry on our day free of the feeling that we must defend our point of view to them. Chances are that we were not going to change their point of view any way no matter how much time and energy we spend trying to convince them that they are wrong. So how does this work with horses? Well horses don’t care about being right or wrong they only function from what works for them and what does not in every moment. But when we humans get involved, everything gets more complicated. One example I have of this is a client of mine who’s horse was having performance issues and the owner was convinced that the horse was lame in some way causing the issues. The owner went to several vets until one was willing to tell them what they wanted to hear. I tried to convince them that the horse was not lame and perhaps just need a different line of work or change of discipline if you will. Fast froward one year later and the horse is sold to a young boy who is roping on him and the 2 are a wonderful match and winning trophy’s everywhere they go. Not to mention that the former owner has another horse that they are super excited about. So, my point is that the former owner’s commitment to being right cost a lot of extra time and money when giving up some control and the need to be right could have given the situation a lot more speed and ease. So, would you rather be right than free?



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