Read Our Horse Behavior Blog
Lessons from the Herd
So I recently learned a very valuable lesson from my herd of horses. It is only 4 horses but yes…Do You Believe in Magic?
So what exactly is magic? So for me magic is when we change the so called unchangeable. So how do…Would you rather be right then free?
In this reality we are taught that its so important to be right that we would rather be right than…What have you made significant?
In this reality we are taught that if we make something significant we have a better chance of creating what…Energy and Healing
Lets talk about energy and healing injuries. So my point of view is that the body is actually equipped to…What if all you had to do was ask a question?
So how exactly does that work? Well questions empower and conclusions kill all possibility. what we have been taught since…What is Energy?
Hello everyone and welcome to our first ever blog here at Conscious Farrier. So what is energy? For many years…